How to Use Aura Smudge


You’ve probably heard of smudging before, but as a brief refresher, here’s the basics. It’s the practice of burning something—typically sage or palo santo to cleanse and purify a space. (You can read more about the history of smudging here.) Sometimes it’s done in preparation for a mindfulness practice, such as yoga or meditation. Other times, it’s done to clear stagnant energy to allow for more creativity.

But what if you need to clear space somewhere that doesn’t allow open flames, or you’re sensitive to smoke? That’s where Aura Smudge comes in. Featuring dalmatian sage, known as the best of all sage plants, Aura Smudge is a pure aromatherapy misting spray that can be used instead of traditional sage or palo santo to purify an area of your choosing. This unique formula also includes uplifting juniper and Vor-Mag water to raise the energy to an even higher vibration.

Aura Smudge can be used in a variety of ways, but here are some of our favorites:

Spray Before a Spiritual Meditation to Help Enhance Intuition

When you want to take your meditation to the next level and connect to your spirit guides, set your intention by spraying your meditation space with Aura Smudge. Then, as you begin to meditate, breathe in the soothing scents of sage and juniper as you ask your guides to share their guidance and enhance your intuition so you can use it more effectively once you transition from the spirit world back to the real world.

Cleanse an Area of Negative Energy

Have you ever walked into a room and felt like something is just… off? Or maybe you’ve processed some intense emotions and feel like there’s some lingering residue from the experience? Just spray Aura Smudge around the room in question, and feel those bad vibes dissipate.

Cleanse or Empower Crystals, Tarot Cards, or Whatever Suits Your Fancy

While certain phases of the moon can be an excellent time to charge or cleanse your crystals, you can amplify their cleansing and charging by spraying them with Aura Smudge before you place them outside. Another way to use Aura Smudge is to spray in the air in between readings with your Tarot Cards to dissipate the energy of the last reading and set your intention for the new reading. If you have an altar with precious objects that denote your intentions for the future, why not spray it with Aura Smudge to help amplify those intentions?

Use it to Encourage Positive Focus

Whether you’re on deadline with a project, studying for school, or working on something that requires your complete attention, spraying Aura Smudge around your work area can help create a positively charged atmosphere to inspire your work. After you spray, take a moment to breathe in the scent, set your intention, and get to work. (But Aura Smudge can’t silence your app notifications—that one’s on you!)



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