April is National Stress Awareness Month – as if we weren’t aware of stress already, right? But what its purpose is really is to mindfully take time for yourself to combat everyday stressors that could be bringing you down. From the big stuff to the little stuff, it all adds up and affects our quality of life – stress wreaks havoc on our skin, our bodies, our relationships, and the way we move through the world. We know it’s easy to say “reduce your stress,” but actually doing it can seem impossible.
We also recognize that coming up with ways to combat stress can be stressful, so keep reading because we’ve got you. Take a few of these tips or try them all – whatever speaks to you.
Block off time for yourself
If you’re super Type A and career-driven, we know your calendar is packed. A good self-care hack is to treat you-time with the same importance as work – literally block off time on your calendar for moments of relaxation and resurgence. Block off a half-hour for a no-phone walk outside. Pretend that therapy is a mandatory meeting. Schedule time for a face mask and a bath. This stuff is just as important as your work, and you’ll return to your office happier and ready to go.
Surround yourself with things that make you feel good
When your space is a reflection of you, then you feel more like yourself. You also tend to feel better about yourself when your purchases reflect your values, which is why Heritage Store’s products use minimal ingredients derived from nature and are specifically created to boost the mind-body connection. Whether this means spritzing Rosewater on your skin and space, using Aura Smudge to banish negative energy, or filling your home with fresh-cut flowers and crystals, filling your life with beauty can only promote joy.
Do morning pages a few times a week
Journaling every single day may be overwhelming, but try to start with a few days a week of just sharing your morning thoughts. Try making a list, draw, or set a timer for five minutes. Whatever little way you can integrate into your week to explore your feelings and thoughts will be beneficial for your mental health and stress. Try to do it in the morning – that way your mind will be clear and it won’t feel like just another To Do task you’re stressing over.
Find a mantra that’s just for you and stick to it
Long-time yogis will often have a secret mantra that was given to them by a shaman or they arrive at a message themselves. Feel free to develop one yourself, or borrow one of the below that may speak to you – say it in your head when you feel like you need a moment of grounding or resonance.
“My mind is brilliant. My body is healthy. My spirit is tranquil.”
“I will have a good day, because it’s my choice.”
“I create my own path and walk it with joy.”
“Every cell in my body is alive and beautiful.”
“My commitment to myself is unbreakable.”