Self-Care Advice from Mom

We tend to grow up ignoring advice from our moms – we feel like we know best until we grow up and realize she was actually right most of the time. We find ourselves following her lead without even realizing it, from the way we make our bed to our night time skin care routine. This Mother’s Day, maybe the best gift of all is a simple “you were right,” or honoring her memory if she is no longer with us. Because time-honored traditions are often the best – it’s what Heritage Store was built on. 

The team took a trip down Memory Lane and shared their favorite tips from their mothers (or other strong figures in their lives) on self-care, mental health, and how to honor yourself no matter what life throws at you. 

Happy Mother’s Day to all. 

Sydney Holland, Marketing Process Coordinator

“Self-care and relaxation was one thing my mom instilled in me since I was a kid. Whether it was a midday nap to recharge or a relaxing bubble bath with candles lit, she always taught me that taking care of yourself and really being able to relax your body and mind was important. A gift I would get for someone like my mom, who loves to be comfy and relax, loves a once-in-a-while pamper, and deserves a much needed break, is either a nice and fluffy robe, some skincare I know she won’t buy herself or her usual fave, a bouquet of flowers.”

Melissa Knapp, Creative Director

“Traveling with your family from time to time is essential – it’s important to experience new things on your own. Whether that’s fully alone or with a group of girlfriends, it’s a moment to recharge. My Mom gift would be babysitting or childcare so she could do that.”

Rachel Santora, Director of Digital and Product Marketing

“My mom was always a woman of self-care. She was very into skincare, and loved having a girls nights with face masks and manicures. She has since passed away, but before she did she made me promise to always put my happiness first before anything else. She was an advocate for taking time to take care of yourself, and not allowing anything to get in the way of that, especially work. She also stressed the importance of surrounding yourself with people who bring out the best in you – family and friends that love and accept you for who you are and never make you feel like you need to change who you are to fit in.

If she were still here, I know she’d love the Rosewater Regimen. She had a full skincare routine she used for years, but it was very simple and I think she would have enjoyed adding in additional steps (like a prep step and an oil). She was also on the go a lot, so giving her multiple bottles of Rosewater to keep with her for anytime she needed a pick me up (in her car, at her desk, on her bedside table) would have been something she would have enjoyed.”

Maura Cannon Dick, Chief Marketing Officer

“I love giving the gift of self-care whether it’s a massage or facial treatment gift certificate or products to use at home.  Such a luxury that not everyone does for themselves.  Selfcare is totally the new ‘fragrance’ gift!

My advice would be to take the time to care for your skin…whether it’s an evening or morning facial massage for lymphatic drainage or boosted circulation, or applying a relaxing mask two nights a week for an extra skin nourishment boost.”

Lyz Mancini, Copywriter

“Growing up, my family always had what we called ‘The Treatment.’ That was essentially a bubble bath with the works – bubbles, bath salts, candles, music, a book…basically special alone time for when anyone ever had a hard day or needed some extra self-care. I still do it to this day…so much it might even be a part of my personality now – Bath Person. It never fails to make me feel like I’m honoring myself and giving myself space to process and find contentment. I’d love to give my mom a night at a fancy hotel for her to have the full treatment in a new place – maybe with some Ancient Healing Clay or Aura Smudge to set the tone of her self-care night.”



Daily Care


starting at $6.49
Rosewater & Glycerin
starting at $6.49
Organic Castor Oil

Daily Care

Organic Castor Oil

starting at $22.49
Castor Oil

Daily Care

Castor Oil

starting at $4.99
Rosewater Toner

Daily Care

Rosewater Toner

starting at $6.49
Black Seed Oil, Organic
starting at $32.99
Rose Oil

Daily Care

Rose Oil

Aura Glow Moisturizer