How to Use a Castor Pack


You probably feel like you know all the self-care tips and tricks that are out there by now. But, there are always new ways to relax and soothe your body and your mind in fact, that’s what Heritage Store loves helping you out with the most. Besides the uplifting magic of rosewater, have you ever harnessed Castor Oil health benefits? This purifying way to unwind is perhaps our new favorite way to take a little “me time.” Here’s what a Castor Pack is, what it does, and how you can keep it in your bag of self-care rituals when you’re feeling like you need a wellness boost. 

A Castor Pack is a combination of some type of cloth (we recommend a wool or cotton flannel), Organic Castor Oil cold-pressed, and some sort of heating pad or warmth delivery system. You soak the flannel in the oil, then place it on your skin usually your abdomen. (Try our Lavender Castor Oil for an aromatherapy benefit.) The oil-soaked flannel should then be covered with a sheet of plastic, then a hot water bottle or heating pad over top for maximum relaxation. The result is a purifying and cleansing experience that, when paired with low lights and meditative breathing, can be extremely soothing for moments when you need a reset.

Follow these steps to make your own Castor Pack at home:

  1. Place a wool flannel in a container. Drizzle Castor Oil onto the flannel until it is saturated, but not dripping. 
  2. Prep the area where you will be using the pack. You should be seated or lying down. We recommend wearing workout or comfy clothes in case some light staining occurs from the oil. 
  3. Carefully take the flannel from the container and place the pack over your abdomen or other body part. 
  4. Cover the Castor Pack with a towel or plastic sheet. 
  5. Place a hot water bottle or heating pad over the pack.
  6. You can enjoy your Castor Pack for forty-five minutes to an hour. Close your eyes, listen to relaxing music, maybe even have some candles lit. 
  7. When finished, remove the pack and place it back into the container to store for next time. 
  8. You can then cleanse your stomach with soap and water to get rid of any lingering Castor Oil. 

We hope you enjoy these soothing Castor Oil benefits your wellness journey!






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starting at $6.49
Organic Castor Oil

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Organic Castor Oil

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