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Not the Heritage Store product you are looking for? Contact us at 800-862-2923 to check if it is in stock and to place on order off-site with our Customer Service team", "results_for_html":"Your search for \"{{ terms }}\" revealed the following:", "title":"Search for products on our site", "popular_searches_title":"POPULAR SEARCHES", "placeholder":"search for products or content", "submit":"Search", "reset":"Clear", "default":"", "results":"RESULTS"} }, "blogs": { "article": { "author_on_date_html":"Posted by {{ author }} on {{ date }}", "comment_meta_html":"{{ author }} on {{ date }}", "read_more":"Read more", "posted_by_html":"By \u003ca href=\"{{ link }}\" class=\"article__article-author-link\"\u003e{{ author }}\u003c\/a\u003e."}, "comments": { "title":"Leave a comment", "name":"Name", "email":"Email", "message":"Message", "post":"Post comment", "moderated":"Please note, comments must be approved before they are published", "success_moderated":"Your comment was posted successfully. We will publish it in a little while, as our blog is moderated.", "success":"Your comment was posted successfully! Thank you!", "with_count": { "one":"{{ count }} comment", "other":"{{ count }} comments"} }, "general": { "categories":"Categories", "all_articles":"All Blog", "all_articles_mobile":"All", "no_matches":"Sorry, there are no articles in this blog"} }, "cart": { "general": { "title":"Your Cart", "remove":"Remove", "note":"Special instructions for seller", "subtotal":"Subtotal", "shipping_at_checkout":"Shipping \u0026amp; taxes calculated at checkout", "update":"Update Cart", "checkout":"CHECKOUT", "empty":"You have no items in your cart", "cookies_required":"Enable cookies to use the shopping cart", "continue_browsing_html":"Continue browsing \u003ca href=\"\/collections\/all\"\u003ehere\u003c\/a\u003e.", "item_quantity":"Item quantity", "savings":"You\u0026#39;re saving"}, "label": { "product":"Product", "price":"Price", "quantity":"Quantity", "total":"Total", "discounted_price":"Discounted price", "original_price":"Original price"} }, "collections": { "general": { "no_matches":"Sorry, there are no products in this collection", "link_title":"Browse our {{ title }} collection", "shop_collection":"SHOP COLLECTION", "shop":"SHOP", "sort_by":"Sort by", "load_more":"load more"} }, "contact": { "form": { "name":"Name", "message":"Message", "email":"Email", "phone":"Phone Number", "email_message":"Your e-mail is incorrect", "input_message":"Field is blank", "submit":"Send", "post_success":"Thanks for contacting us. We\u0026#39;ll get back to you as soon as possible.", "error_heading":"Please adjust the following:"} }, "customer": { "account": { "title":"My Account", "details":"Account Details", "view_addresses":"View Addresses", "return":"Return to Account Details", "first_name":"First Name", "last_name":"Last Name", "company":"Company", "address_first":"Address1", "address_second":"Address2", "city":"City", "country":"Country", "province":"Province", "zip_code":"Postal\/Zip Code", "phone":"Phone", "manage_subscriptions":"Manage Subscriptions"}, "activate_account": { "title":"Activate Account", "subtext":"Create your password to activate your account.", "password":"Password", "password_confirm":"Confirm Password", "submit":"Activate Account", "cancel":"Decline Invitation"}, "addresses": { "title":"Your Addresses", "default":"Default", "new_address":"NEW ADDRESS", "add_new":"Add a new address", "edit_address":"Edit address", "first_name":"First Name", "last_name":"Last Name", "company":"Company", "address1":"Address1", "address2":"Address2", "city":"City", "country":"Country", "province":"Province", "zip":"Postal\/Zip Code", "phone":"Phone", "set_default":"Set as default address", "add":"ADD ADDRESS", "update":"UPDATE ADDRESS", "cancel":"CANCEL", "edit":"EDIT", "delete":"DELETE", "delete_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this address?"}, "login": { "title":"Log In", "subtitle":"Welcome back to your soul-to-skin routine.", "email":"Email", "password":"Password", "forgot_password":"Forgot Password", "sign_in":"LOG IN", "cancel":"Return to Store", "guest_title":"Continue as a guest", "guest_continue":"CONTINUE"}, "orders": { "title":"Order History", "order_number":"Order", "date":"Date", "payment_status":"Payment Status", "fulfillment_status":"Fulfillment Status", "total":"Total", "none":"You haven\u0026#39;t placed any orders yet."}, "order": { "title":"Order {{ name }}", "date":"Placed on {{ date }}", "cancelled":"Order Cancelled on {{ date }}", "cancelled_reason":"Reason: {{ reason }}", "billing_address":"Billing Address", "payment_status":"Payment Status", "shipping_address":"Shipping Address", "fulfillment_status":"Fulfillment Status", "discount":"Discount", "shipping":"Shipping", "tax":"Tax", "product":"Product", "sku":"SKU", "price":"Price", "quantity":"Quantity", "total":"Total", "fulfilled_at":"Date fulfilled", "track_shipment":"Track shipment", "tracking_url":"Tracking link", "tracking_company":"Carrier", "tracking_number":"Tracking number", "subtotal":"Subtotal"}, "recover_password": { "title":"Reset your password", "email":"Email", "submit":"SUBMIT", "cancel":"CANCEL", "subtext":"We will send you an email to reset your password.", "success":"We\u0026#39;ve sent you an email with a link to update your password."}, "reset_password": { "title":"Reset account password", "subtext":"Enter a new password for {{ email }}", "password":"Password", "password_confirm":"Confirm Password", "submit":"Reset Password"}, "register": { "title":"Create Account", "first_name":"First Name", "last_name":"Last Name", "email":"Email", "password":"Password", "submit":"CREATE", "cancel":"Return to Store"} }, "homepage": { "onboarding": { "product_title":"Example Product Title", "collection_title":"Example Collection Title", "no_content":"This section doesn’t currently include any content. Add content to this section using the sidebar."} }, "layout": { "cart": { "title":"Cart", "items_count": { "one":"item", "other":"items"} }, "customer": { "account":"Account", "logged_in_as_html":"Logged in as {{ first_name }}", "log_out":"Log out", "log_in":"Log in", "create_account":"Create Account"}, "footer": { "social_platform":"{{ name }} on {{ platform }}", "copyright":"Copyright", "payment_methods":"Payment methods accepted", "email_placeholder":"Enter Your Email", "subscription_success":"Thank you for subscribing."} }, "products": { "product": { "regular_price":"Regular price", "sold_out":"NOTIFY ME", "out_of_stock":"NOTIFY ME", "unavailable":"Unavailable", "on_sale":"On Sale", "on_sale_from_html":"On Sale from {{ price }}", "starting_at_text_html":"starting at {{ price }}", "quantity":"Quantity", "add_to_cart":"ADD TO CART", "adding":"ADDING...", "empty_recommendations":"Sorry, there are no recommended products.", "select_option":"SELECT OPTIONS", "select_subscription":"SELECT SUBSCRIPTION", "save":"Save", "save_up_to":"Save Up To"} }, "gift_cards": { "issued": { "title":"Here\u0026#39;s your {{ value }} gift card for {{ shop }}!", "subtext":"Here\u0026#39;s your gift card!", "disabled":"Disabled", "expired":"Expired on {{ expiry }}", "active":"Expires on {{ expiry }}", "redeem":"Use this code at checkout to redeem your gift card", "shop_link":"Start shopping", "print":"Print", "remaining_html":"{{ balance }} left", "add_to_apple_wallet":"Add to Apple Wallet", "initial_value":"Gift card value: {{ value }}"} }, "date_formats": { "month_day_year":"%B %d, %Y"} }